Common Misconceptions of Brand Identity

If you’ve ever been confused about brand identity, don’t worry – you are not alone. With so much access to unlimited articles and research, it can be an overwhelming amount of information to process. Today we’d like to break down some common misconceptions of branding, to help you make the right creative decisions for your business.

#1 Branding is nothing more than a logo.

Which came first, the logo or the brand? This is a complex question because their definitions seem to be constantly changing. However, a clear brand strategy should always come first, to then be followed by a logo that represents and compliments the brand. Branding is all about the feelings and experiences associated with your business, and a logo is what wraps up your brand into a recognisable symbol.

#2 Only big companies should worry about branding.

When most people think of brands, their initial examples might be Nike, McDonald’s, or Apple. But branding isn’t just for global corporations! Large companies do utilise branding strategies to grow and maintain their position in a competitive market. But the same branding principles apply to every business. Larger brands tend to have a larger budget, but even a modest budget can do incredible things for the smallest of brands.

#3 Your brand should appeal to everyone.

Some think brands need to be so broad they appeal to everyone, but this isn’t the case. Instead, your brand should focus on a specific segment of customers. This is called your target audience. The brand strategy stage includes developing a customer persona. Ask yourself, what problem does your business offer a solution for, and who experiences this problem the most?

#4 Branding is just bells and whistles.

This statement couldn’t be further from the truth. Your branding can significantly impact profitability. If customers emotionally connect to a brand, they’re more likely to purchase if they feel they can trust them. This is why giving close attention to the visual representation of your brand is vital to any business plan.

Are you ready for a new brand identity but don’t know how to get started? We love doing transformation journeys. Get in touch with us for a Brand Check-up!



What is a Brand?

A brand encapsulates so much more than many people realise. It goes far beyond its logo, or its storefront, or its packaging. It’s more intangible

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